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Word Viewer

View Word documents and convert text formats into PDF files.


SSuite Office Writer's D'Lite

Create documents, novels, and articles on your PC.


PDF Split Merge Pages

Split or merge PDF files or extract images from PDF, all without Adobe Acrobat.


PDF Annotator

Annotate, edit, and comment PDF files.

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Easy Word to Pdf Converter

Convert Word, DOC, DOCX, and DOCM to PDF files.


Guaranteed PDF Decrypter (GuaPDF)

Remove restrictions and/or password on PDF files.

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yWriter 5

Create novel and translation files on PC.

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CZ Word to PDF

Convert word doc/docx, html, rtf, text to PDF, PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP.


Docx to Doc Converter

Convert MS Word 2010 or 2007 documents into earlier formats.


FasType Typing Tutorial

Learn how to touch type without looking at the keyboard.



Replace WordPad with a compact and full-featured word processor.

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Readiris Pro

Convert paper documents, PDFs, and image files into editable text and searchable PDF.

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