
MCEBrowser About

MCEBrowser Specifications
Date added:
Nov. 25, 2020
Date released:
Nov. 7, 2008
Operating system:
Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows, Windows XP Media Center Edition,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Windows MCE/Vista

MCEBrowser v2.2

Browse Web sites with a Media Center remote control.

MCEBrowser Screenshots

MCEBrowser Editor's review

MCEBrowser is a plugin for Microsoft Windows Media Center which allows you surf the Internet using a Media Center remote control. Some of the features include: Browse to home page or favorites, scroll around within Web pages, highlight and select links within Web pages to navigate, enter text in web forms, zoom in and out for 10-foot style surfing, and compatible with Media Center Extender devices.

Version 2.2 added support for Windows Vista Media Center, added Japanese language translation Removed dependency on .NET Framework 1.1.


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Jump back to the top of any page when browsing the Web.

Refresh and reload any page or tab after a specified number of seconds.

Add a Web page easily to your EverNote application as a new note.

Evaluate web pages and report on why they're slow.

Save Web pages locally and manage collections easily.



Translate text and full Web pages.