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OS Memory Usage Specifications
Display memory-usage related statistics on your PC.
OS Memory Usage offers a neat way to map out your computer's memory, but you can't do much with it other than take notes. It does provide a more useful measurement than what Windows gives you by default, but you can't stop a program, change how one is using your memory, or do anything else.
This program downloads quickly and can be placed on a thumb drive to use on any computer. It gives you a graphical display of what programs are using your memory. It shows you each program, spelled out in plain English instead of file-speak like it is in your regular processes menu. There's still some advanced lingo you'll need to know to make sure you know exactly what's using your RAM, though. The program auto-updates, but it doesn't do it in real time. You'll have to keep checking back and forth to keep track of everything, since there's no refresh button. In fact, there are no buttons at all in OS Memory Usage, which means you can't kill any programs without using Windows' traditional methods. That also means the program won't replace Windows' built-in RAM utilities, but it does a good job supplementing them.