
SmartWhois About

SmartWhois Specifications
5.1 build 280
Date added:
May 8, 2022
Date released:
April 14, 2015
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Not available

SmartWhois v5.1 build 280

Find out any information about a host name, an IP address, or a domain.

SmartWhois Screenshots

SmartWhois Editor's review

SmartWhois is a useful network information utility that allows you to find out all available information about an IP address, host name, or domain, including country, state, city, name of the network provider, and administrator and technical support contact information. Unlike standard Whois utilities, SmartWhois can find the information about a computer located in any part of the world, intelligently querying the right database and delivering all the related records within a few seconds. SmartWhois can save obtained information to an archive file, cache obtained information, process lists of IP addresses or domains, work in batch mode, and export data in different formats. It has plug-ins for MS Internet Explorer, MS Outlook, Maxthon Browser, Mozilla or SeaMonkey Navigator, Netscape Browser and Flock.


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