Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Specifications
Control download and upload rate for every computer in your network.
Antamedia Bandwidth Manager software controls download and upload rates for every computer in your network, using a shared Internet connection (NAT), meaning it acts as a gateway to the Internet. You no longer need to install software on each computer to control bandwidth quotas, set time limits and priorities for different users, configure firewalls and other advanced features, such as blocking unauthorized websites.
Bandwidth Manager also gives you real control over what can be accessed, making it ideal for schools or preventing illegal or dangerous downloads.
Antamedia bandwidth management software is perfect for Internet and game cafes as it tightly integrates with any available CyberCafe management software. If used with Antamedia's specialist Internet Cafe, operation is fully automated and extra easy. You can set maximum download and upload rates for your customers, with each computer connection auto-disabled at session end. Computers can be limited with specified time and quota per session, day time when access is allowed and set to logout after inactivity.
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