iMath Free for Windows 10 Specifications
iMath is designed to help children under the age of 12 to improve math ability and develop interests in mathematics.
iMath is designed to help children under the age of 12 to improve math ability and develop interests in mathematics.
iMath has beautiful GUI, it can help you to improve your math skill.
iMath has three main features.
1,Basic Practices
iMath already support more than 20 topics and more than 900 math skills from pre-k to grade 5. These math skills meet Ameracia K-12 math standards.
2,Fast Caculation Practices
iMath supports Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division for integer decimal and fraction ,
iMath supports Unary linear equation
iMath supports Arithmetic laws exercise.
iMath supports Measure exchange exercise.
iMath supports To Find law exercise.