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Business Software & Sub Categories



Type and edit documents in Malayalam.


Microsoft Word 2013

Take your document processing to another level and work with video and PDF files.

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Solid Converter PDF

Convert PDF Files into MS Word. Easy, Fast, Accurate


PDF Index Generator

Generate index for your PDF book.


UTFCast Professional

Convert text files to UTF encoding in bulk.



Create and edit documents in the HTML5 Web page format.


Doc Reader

Open, view and print any Word (Doc, Docx) file.


Atlantis Word Processor

Create high-quality documents in a user-friendly word processor.


SSuite Penumbra

Create and edit Rich Text documents.


Free DOC Reader

View and print DOC files.


Hermetic Word Frequency Counter Advanced

Count frequencies of words and phrases in a single file and in multiple files.


Kural Tamil Software (Tamil)

Allow users to input Tamil in any Microsoft Windows applications.