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Business Software & Sub Categories


Word 8

View & edit your documents instantly.


Office Words Search and Replace

Search and replace text in multiple Microsoft Office files.


Writer's Blocks

Capture, organize, outline, and structure your notes and ideas by creating "index-card" blocks.

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Microsoft Word

Create and share content with the help of a comprehensive set of writing tools.

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AllMyNotes Organizer Lite Edition

Keep your daily notes and reach them at any moment.



Type and edit your text with multiple functions.


Word Files Editor

Work with DOC, DOCX, TXT, XML, HTML, and RTF formats, create, edit, save, or share all documents.



Create and edit documents with original Microsoft basic word-processing program.


Word/Doc to Pdf Converter and Creator

Convert Word/Doc into PDF files.

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JPEG to Word Converter

Edit text in images and PDF files by converting them into MS Word documents.


Microsoft Office 2016 Preview (32 bit)

Preview the new and modern Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


Free DOC Reader

View and print DOC files.