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Business Software & Sub Categories


4c Portfolio Manager - Evaluating and Prioritising Projects

Evaluate every project using your own defined sets of criteria, to arrive at an overall score.


Iberical Vett

Organize records of clients, suppliers, employees, and products for a veterinarian institution.


CURA Staffing and Recruiting Software

Quicken and simplify the recruiting process.


Shopify for Windows 10

Manage every aspect of your ecommerce business, from products to orders to customers.


MaintSmart Enterprise CMMS

Analyze the way you use your computer and get suggestions on how to make things more efficient.


Label Spirit

Design and print bar code labels.


Label Spirit Starter

Create bar code labels with text and shapes for printing.


Reliance 4 SCADA/HMI

Manage and visualize industrial processes and building automation.


PlusX Excel Add-In 64-bit

Create Waterfall, Gantt, Mirror, BubbleX and Double Donut Charts.


Adobe Reader Update

Enhance your Adobe Reader performance.


Paragon Single Depot

Plan and model delivery routes for vehicles based at one location.


Helix GitSwarm

Get easy project and team management.