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Business Software & Sub Categories


@PsicoClinic (Spanish)

Manage information and professional activities of psychological clinic.


ModusDoc Portable

Create catalog for documents, files, hyperlinks, programs, folders, and notes.


PlusX (64-bit)

Create Waterfall, Gantt, Mirror, BubbleX, and Double Donut charts in Excel.


Microsoft Office 2019

Get things done with the next on-premises version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Project, Visio, Access, and Publisher.


yWriter 5

Create novel and translation files on PC.

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Multi-Page TIFF Editor

Create, edit, and view multi-page documents in TIFF format.


Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium

Control your PC using speech recognition.


CashoFy Accounting Software

Provide end-to-end financial tools to small business.


Visual Rent a Car

Manage vehicle rental business and control vehicles, clients, and documentation.


3GP File Size Reduce Software

Compress the file size of one or more 3GP files.


Estimate Master

Create customized estimates, work orders, and proposals.

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Loan Amortization Calculator

Manage and carry out loan calculations.