
APKFordown Install About

APKFordown Install Specifications
Date added:
Oct. 23, 2023
Date released:
Sept. 7, 2020
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows, Windows 10, Windows Server 2016,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Not available

APKFordown Install v1.4.583

Install APK games and apps from PC to Android phone or tablet.

APKFordown Install Screenshots

APKFordown Install Editor's review

Top Features: 1. One click install XAPK, APK package to Android. 2. Support all Android brand cellphone apk installing.(Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Huawei, LG, Lenovo, Mi, Micromax, etc). 3. APK Installer works perfectly with Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7(32/64bit), Windows XP. 4. Android 2.3 and above support, the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop has been already tested. 5. Break Google Play region restrictions, install better Android apps into your devices. 6. Install any free Google Play Store application or APKFORDOWN verified source apk file with Pure APK Install. Note: Install third party apk files at your own risk, (APK files are not from Google Play, Amazon store, not trusted by


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