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Educational Software & Sub Categories


TransHunter English VS German

Translate English text to German and vice versa.


Random Number Generator Pro

Generate random numbers that you can use as passwords.

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Free QuizMaker

Create quizzes and surveys with three question types of graded quizzes and surveys.

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JW CLM Scheduler

Schedule the Christian Life and Ministry CLM Meeting.


Linguatic Dictionary

Translate words or phrases between English, Turkish and German.


Church Secretary for Windows

Record and report family and member information for all church members.


Adit Testdesk

Make tests and run exams with stand-alone computer-based testing.



Run chemical kinetics of combustion, catalyst reactor, and enzyme reactions.


WinFlash Educator

Master memory-intensive content.

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My Family Tree (64-bit)

Create your family tree with ease.

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PEST - Professional Exam System

Create your own tests and quizzes.

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2D Frame Analysis Static Edition

Perform a wide range of calculations on 2D structures.