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Flash Downloader for Chrome

Capture and save rich Flash media in SWF format online with just one click.


Reddit Enhancement Suite

Enhance your Reddit browsing experience.


PT Indru for Windows 10

Puthiya thalaimurai indru - smart paper.


Maxthon (Classic)

Surf the Net with pop-up filtering, tabbed navigation, and automatic page-scrolling.


Nectar Points & Rewards Toolbar

Collect Nectar points in online mode.



Open your Omnis Studio applications using a Web browser.


Puthiya Thalaimurai for Windows 10

Puthiya Thalaimurai TV is a 24x7 Live News Channel.



Navigate to web most popular sites from the search bar.


Bright Browser

Enjoy a faster, safer, and smarter browser experience.


User-Agent Switcher

Pose as another browser by changing the User-Agent header.


Epic Privacy Browser

Get the web browser with an integrated privacy protection, proxy, and more.


Technology News Tab

Get top technology news from the leading tech publications with every new tab you open.