Windows Media Codec Pack Specifications
Provide freeware codec pack for all video types.
On my first computer, the installation installed the codec pack without the following folders and applications:1. PDF_Reader (2 files)2. Picture_Viewer (11 files)3. Zip (8 files)On my second computer, downloaded from, the installation created the above folders and installed all 3 of those programs.In "Add/Remove Programs", the installation uses the Black on Yellow icon of "PDF"The 3 undesired applications listed above are not listed in "Add/Remove Programs", and yet they were installed in my Windows XP Professional OS.All 3 of them took over as the default readers of my personal files.I already had readers for those files.Were these additional applications deliberately intended by you?Why were they not installed on my first computer?If you are going to bundle additional applications to your codec pack, giving no notification whatsoever, the innocent user should be notified.
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