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Ainvo Registry Defrag Specifications
Defragment registry to make your PC faster.
Over time, the Windows Registry becomes fragmented. It can slow down your PC if it becomes bad enough. Defragmenting the Registry makes it more compact, much like your hard drives. Of course, it's not as easy as that when you're dealing with the Registry, since errors can damage your system. You need a tool specifically designed for the job. Ainvo Registry Defrag is a free utility that automatically defragments your Registry on startup, either once or every time, depending on how you set it up.
Ainvo Registry Defrag opened with a simple dialog page explaining the next step, Registry Fragmentation Analysis. We clicked Next to start the tool. Ainvo's defragmentation map resembles those found in disk defraggers, but with fewer objects. When it reached the end of the defrag map, it said we needed to defragment the Registry, so we clicked Next. This involved scheduling the job for our next reboot, which we opted to do right away. Ainvo interrupted the boot process, displaying its progress in a DOS screen. When the program finished, our boot-up resumed, finishing normally. Ainvo displayed a report in Google Chrome with before-and-after defragmentation maps and Registry data. It had reduced our registry by 4.79 percent, netting a performance improvement of 4.55 percent; both are significant gains, especially considering our system was pretty tight to begin with.