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X-Mouse Button Control About

X-Mouse Button Control Specifications
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Date added:
July 9, 2016
Date released:
July 22, 2015
Operating system:
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7,
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Additional Requirements

X-Mouse Button Control v2.10.2

Rearrange your mouse button actions and automate various regular operations.

X-Mouse Button Control Editor's review

Your mouse probably has several buttons and maybe a scroll wheel or two, but are you using the default settings or can you open and close Web pages, turn the volume up and down when you play music, or simulate any keystroke? You can, with X-Mouse Button Control. This free utility lets you set customized profiles, called Layers, with individually customized mouse controls in each, and rapidly switch between them. You can create separate mouse control profiles for individual applications, such as games that don't support extended mouse buttons. Or, you can have the scroll wheel change to a volume control when you hover your cursor over the system tray.
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