
GeekBuddy (32-bit) About

GeekBuddy (32-bit) Specifications
Date added:
Oct. 12, 2023
Date released:
April 10, 2014
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 2003, Windows,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Not available

GeekBuddy (32-bit) v4.11

Have a certified expert available 24/7 to handle all your daily PC headaches.

GeekBuddy (32-bit) Screenshots

GeekBuddy (32-bit) Editor's review

Let us take care of your PC for you: Simply click your mouse for expert care. That's all.

PC Tune Up. We'll evaluate your computer's performance and then fine tune key areas to improve speed and stability.

Computer Troubleshooting. We'll resolve Windows operating system errors and check for basic hardware conflicts with Windows.

ID Protection Settings. We'll activate your computer's security settings to prevent loss of sensitive data and identify theft.

Software Installation. We'll install your software products, including setup of desktop icons, start menu options and shortcuts.

Green PC. We'll optimize your power management settings to conserve energy and save money on your electric bills.


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