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BurnInTest Professional About

BurnInTest Professional Specifications
9.1 build 1000
File size:
Date added:
Jan. 6, 2020
Date released:
Nov. 25, 2019
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8/10,
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Additional Requirements
DirectX 9.0c

BurnInTest Professional v9.1 build 1000

Exercise components of your PC simultaneously to test for endurance and reliability.

BurnInTest Professional Screenshots

BurnInTest Professional Editor's review

BurnInTest can thoroughly exercise PC hardware in the shortest period of time so intermittent or hidden problems are found before they turn into a disaster. BurnInTest is an easy-to-use software tool that simultaneously exercises all of the major components of a computer to test for endurance and reliability. The user can select hardware components to test and individually adjust the load placed on each one via slide bars. Each test reports results to its own window and results are summarized along with any errors detected in the main program window. A computer's major components (including CPUs, raw and formatted hard drives, tape/CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drives, sound and graphics cards, RAM, network connections and ports) can be tested at the same time. Results can be saved to disk, printed or exported as a graphical image.

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