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Disc Archiver About

Disc Archiver Specifications
File size:
Date added:
Aug. 25, 2017
Date released:
May 4, 2017
Operating system:
Windows 7/8,
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Additional Requirements

Disc Archiver v1.0.3

Create backups of your data and burn it onto discs.

Disc Archiver Editor's review

FromBroadex Systems:Disc Archiver is a multi-functional application which allows you to create backups for important data and burn it onto discs. The process of data archiving and disc burning is automated by the program. Moreover, the application can calculate the required disc space and separate the data in a smart manner, so you need to use the minimum number of discs. A significant part of the process is automated, therefore, all you need to do is resupply with blank discs, at the program's notification. You may create several copies and, optionally, enable the generation of an index file, in the
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