Stop P-O-R-N Specifications
Block access to pornographic material on the Internet.
For $39.99 I got 5 lifetime licenses! I installed this program yesterday and it works great. I have it e-mail me when my children try to look up a word. The word actually shows up in the e-mail. The software runs right out of the box. I did not have to setup anything. It did ask for a password for security reasons. It does come set for "extreme" mode. It is very sensitive. You can set it to two other less sensitive modes. I like that I can add my own sites to the ban list. I like that I can stop chat sites with a quick check of a box. Wicked secure, you can block the ability to uninstall programs, control-alt-delete, command prompt, etc. I enabled all the security. My teenager tried to disable it.......not yet:) It even blocks the ability to search a bad word! YOU CAN BLOCK APPLICATIONS ON YOUR DESKTOP. For a test I blocked Microsoft Word just by typing in Microsoft Word. It blocked it. There are a couple programs that I blocked already that my son installs. Excellent
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