
Panda Cloud Cleaner About

Editors' rating
Panda Cloud Cleaner Specifications
Date added:
Aug. 25, 2023
Date released:
Nov. 21, 2014
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Not available

Panda Cloud Cleaner v1.0.107

Protect your PC against all kind of malware attacks with a cloud based solution.

Panda Cloud Cleaner Screenshots

Panda Cloud Cleaner Editor's review

Panda Cloud Cleaner would make an adorable title for a children's book, but it's based on the Collective Intelligence of the cloud, so it's more like sci-fi. Actually, it's a free anti-malware utility with cloud-sourced updates and definitions, which means timely detection and prevention of threats. We're big on anti when it comes to viruses and other malware, so Cloud Cleaner's claim to detect malware that other tools miss caught our attention. You'll need an active Internet connection, and not just for updates: Panda Cloud Cleaner sends your scan data to the cloud for analysis. It's anonymous and helps contain malware before it can spread, but you should be aware in case that's a concern.


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