DefenseWall HIPS Specifications
Protect your PC from harmful threats.
DefenseWall HIPS protects you from malicious software (spyware, adware, keyloggers, and rootkits) when you surf the Internet. Using the next generation proactive protection technologies, DefenseWall helps you achieve a maximum level of protection against malicious software, while not demanding any special knowledge or ongoing online signature updates. DefenseWall divides all applications into trusted and untrusted groups.
Untrusted applications are launched with limited rights to modification of critical system parameters, and only in the virtual zone that is specially allocated for them, thus separating them from trusted applications. In the case of penetration by malicious software via one of the untrusted applications, it cannot harm your system and may be closed with just one click.
GlassWire 203 |
Xvirus Personal Firewall 203 |
Comodo Firewall 203 |
SpyShelter Firewall 203 |
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall 203 |
FortKnox Personal Firewall 203 |
ZoneAlarm Pro Firewall 203 |
Anti NetCut 3 203 |
Armor2net Personal Firewall 203 |
PeerBlock 203 |