Sia Specifications
Store and structure information to find it again later.
Sia abridged features: Easy and fast to use, hit space to add a new item. Right click to see options. Drag and drop items. Powerful, and can store many thousands of items. If one is ever left without Sia one can still read one's information in a web browser, even if the document is encrypted. Items can be colored for clarity. Sia is free for personal use, If you find it also useful at work please purchase a licence.
Celtx 203 |
MindMapper 16 Arena 203 |
Nevron Draw 203 |
GitMind 203 | 203 |
SimpleMind Desktop 203 |
Edraw Mind Map 203 |
Blumind 203 |
MindMapper Professional 203 |
Clickcharts Pro 203 |