Spat Revolution Specifications
Design, create, and mix an outstanding real-time immersive experience.
Ircam Spat is the most advanced and sophisticated tool for room acoustics simulation and localization ever designed, managing both spatialisation (source localization) and room acoustic simulation in a truly consistent and visually logical way. It is designed for surround and multi-channel use, SPAT presents the option to setup the output arrangements providing a variety of stereo and surround configurations, including subwoofer configuration. With eight input and output channels available in SPAT, configurations up to 7.1 and 8.0 are feasible.
Transfuser 203 |
MixMeister BPM Analyzer 203 |
MathAudio Microphone EQ VST 203 |
Pistonsoft MP3 Audio Recorder 203 |
Decapitator 203 |
Letasoft Sound Booster 203 |
Breakaway Audio Enhancer 203 |
Mp3 Audio Editor 203 |
MP3Gain 203 |
BurninwaveGenerator 203 |