
WebTorrentX About

WebTorrentX Specifications
Date added:
July 18, 2024
Date released:
Dec. 20, 2018
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows, Windows 10,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Minimum Requirement is having a Windows XP

WebTorrentX v0.1.1

Share and downloads files via torrents.

WebTorrentX Screenshots

WebTorrentX Editor's review

Why you use WebTorrentX? 1) It is advertisement-free. 2) It is built in C#, so it takes less power to run, so if you are using laptop your battery will last longer while you are using WebTorrentX. 3) It is open-source, so we are transparent that we are not transferring your data to NSA. 4) It will be always free. It is open source and so have the source code, it is a movement that lots of people will clone this software and make their own Torrent Streaming client. Nobody can make it a non-free software. 5) It supports every video files you know because we have integrated libvlc. You can stream any torrent file you want.


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