Download data distributed via the torrent protocol or magnet links.
FreeTorrent is a simple application for working with torrent files. It will allow you to download data distributed via the torrent protocol or magnet links. With it, you can specify the speed of traffic transfer, change the number of simultaneously downloaded files, adjust the order of tasks and view information about downloaded objects.
You can also choose the action that will ...
Redirecting to a secure site. We are checking If the link is working. Please wait...
You can report broken links into
. Our editors will review them shortly.
Increase your connection speed and recover broken downloads.
Transfer files manually or on a schedule from your PC to FTP or server to server.
Download SWF files from the Internet.
Download from the Internet at boosted speeds, resume and schedule all your downloads.
Download files from multiple links all at once.
Accelerate your downloads to speed up the process.