
Fling File Transfer Plus About

Fling File Transfer Plus Specifications
Date added:
Dec. 4, 2020
Date released:
June 2, 2020
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows, Windows 10,
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Additional Requirements
Not available

Fling File Transfer Plus v5.0

Automate uploading and transferring files and folders on your windows PC.

Fling File Transfer Plus Screenshots

Fling File Transfer Plus Editor's review

Fling FTP Software sets itself apart from other FTP clients by seamlessly integrating with Windows explorer, so you can avoid the chore of navigating through folders in the software interface. Instead you utilize your existing Windows file explorer and after an easy initial setup tie local folders to remote ftp folders you can set up set up automatic file transfers upload files using the Windows right click menu avoiding entering the program altogether. Simply right click on the file you want to upload and select Fling upload. It's that easy.

Fling FTP Software is often used for maintaining websites on a remote server, but is also ideal for mirroring folders across a network for backup or keeping information synchronized by automatically detecting changes. You can choose to upload or transfer files manually, automatically update when changes are detected or at a preset interval. Set up multiple folders with different destinations for a complete and easy way to manage local and remote data.


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