Horland's Scan2PDF Specifications
Generate multipage searchable PDF documents and TIFF directly from the scan.
Horland Scan2PDF generates multipage searchable PDF documents and TIFF directly from the scan. The scanningtool supports all standard TWAIN and most WIA compatible feeder or flatbed scanner. Feature: - Supports feed scanner, multi-feed scanner, duplex scanner. - TWAIN and WIA compatible. - One document from multiple scanner sources. - Easy handling (one klick PDF/TIFF). - G4FAX and JPEG compressed PDFs for a very small filesize. - Searchable PDFs. - Image and PDF Import. - Automatic reordering front-back scan. - Scan2mail via Mapi (Outlook). - direct Printing (for Copyjobs). - Automatic blank page removal. - Image resorting. - Crop Function. - Marker Function. - Auto Filename with counter and question. - Auto numbering. - Free auto Update over Web. - Profile based scannig with different configurations and paths.