
iVinci About

iVinci Specifications
Date added:
April 7, 2023
Date released:
April 17, 2013
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows,
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Additional Requirements
Not available

iVinci v2.9

Perform vector design.

iVinci Screenshots

iVinci Editor's review

Notable features:-Use SVG as native file format. You can use files created by iVinci directly in may other Apps.-Powerful Bezier path edit system.-Gradient Mesh. Create complex or realistic gradient in ease.-Live Trace. Import bitmap images and convert it to vector.-Directly gradient editor embedded on the objects, differently and much easier compare from what you have ever used.-Easy to use style controller.-Navigate the document like viewing a map. (Mouse wheel to zoom, Right Mouse button drag to move)-Completely Retina display support.-OpenGL hardware rendering support, incredibly fast.

Other features:-Path boolean operation.-Pen and Pencil tool. -Basic shapes.-Text. Convert text to path.-Gradient for both stroke and fill.-Dashs and arrows.-Grid, snap to grid.-Shadow effect.-Image filling in paths.-Join 2 open paths.-Make compound paths.-Outline stroker.-Make mirror objects.-Layers control, and you are allowed to select multiple layers.-Object sequence control.-Alignment.-Group/Lock.-Export to PNG or JPG.


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