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CADinTools Macros for CorelDRAW About

CADinTools Macros for CorelDRAW Specifications
4.05 update 50
File size:
Date added:
April 17, 2020
Date released:
April 13, 2020
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8/Server 2016/10,
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Additional Requirements
CorelDRAW 11-2020, CorelDesigner 12-2019

CADinTools Macros for CorelDRAW v4.05 update 50

Add more advanced tools into CorelDRAW and CorelDESIGNER.

CADinTools Macros for CorelDRAW Screenshots

CADinTools Macros for CorelDRAW Editor's review

Additional tools for your CorelDRAW and CorelDESIGNER: Selection Filter, Scale, Information, Curve edition, Transform shapes and nodes, Line/Arc3P, Arcs, Isometric, Surface Development, Origin of Coordinates, Calculator, Unit Conversion, Geometrical shapes and Quick Text Editor. Only some tools are partially disabled after the trial period. Multilanguage: English, Espanol, Portugues and Francais.

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