Inkscape Automation Tools Specifications
Have better workflow and reduce design time while working in Inkscape.
Inkscape Automation Tools is a Handy Toolbar Launcher that works in Inkscape Freeware. Did you now that you are wasting +-70% of your Time on moving your Mouse Pointer to the Toolbars and searching true the Menu-Bars and the rest +-30% your are on Painting, We did Solved that for all Inkscape users so that they can Spending only the +-30% of the time on moving the mouse pointer to the Toolbars and Without to must have to Search true all Menu-bars. a quick explanation is these Toolbars Comes to You with only a Single Middle Mouse Click how cool is that.
The Logo Creator 203 |
Easel 203 |
Picto-Selector 203 |
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite (64-bit) 203 |
Just Color Picker 203 |
VDraw 203 |
Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter 203 |
SketchBook (64-bit) 203 |
SketchBook 203 |
Imagine Picture Viewer 203 |