Sinhala Font Converter Specifications
Convert "Singlish" to Sinhala in Unicode font such as "Iskoola Pota" or "Nirmala".
Converting "Singlish" to Sinhala in Unicode font such as "Iskoola Pota" or "Nirmala", and converting ASCII fonts like "FM-Ahaya" or "FM-Bindumathi" into Unicode font become massively simplified with Sinhala Font Converter.
PopChar 203 |
Sinhala Font Converter 203 |
FontExpert 2018 203 |
FontViewOK 203 |
Fontspace 203 |
DTL OTMaster Light 203 |
FontFrenzy 203 |
X-Fonter 203 |
Barcode Scanner ASCII String Decoder 203 |
Alternate Font Export 203 |