
LayoutEditor (64-bit) About

LayoutEditor (64-bit) Specifications
build 20130812
Date added:
May 12, 2023
Date released:
Aug. 12, 2013
Operating system:
Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows NT, Windows,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Not available

LayoutEditor (64-bit) vbuild 20130812

Design and edit layouts for memories and IC fabrication.

LayoutEditor (64-bit) Screenshots

LayoutEditor (64-bit) Editor's review

LayoutEditor (64-bit) is a program to design and edit layouts for MEMS/IC fabrication. It is suitably for Multi-Chip-Modules (MCM), Chip-on-Board (COB), Low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMIC), printed circuit boards (PCB), GDS Editor thick film technology, and thin film technology. It has sophisticated functions like all angles, font generator, macros, Boolean operations, design rule checker, OPC, netlist driven layout and LVS. The Calma GDSII file format is used as the primary file format. Also OASIS (Open Artwork System Interchange Standard), DXF, CIF (Caltech Intermediate Form) and Gerber (RS-274X) are full supported. Alliance, Lasi file can be imported.


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