Manage 2D CAD drawings, view and modify the CAD entity through a property window.
A general purpose 2-dimensional CAD program. It supports industry standard DWG/DXF drawing formats. With A9CAD you can draw shapes such as line, rectangle, circle, poly-line, text and dimension; performing drawing modifications like move, scale, rotate, explode, trim, fillet and mirror; edit color, fill mode, line type and line width; change entity attributes via properties window. Manage drawing styles and settings ...
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Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor; it can be used to create or edit vector graphics such as illustrations, diagrams, line arts, charts, logos and complex paintings.
Sketch and paint on your Windows 8 device.
Reduce and optimize 2D DXF files for CNC laser, waterjet and plasma cutting.
Record and replay your drawing procedure.