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ilomilo for Windows 10

Ilomilo is a puzzle game where the player controls two friends named ilo and milo.


Mahjong Deluxe Free for Windows 10

Mahjong Deluxe Free is a solitaire game based on the classic Chinese game where you are challenged to eliminate all the tiles from the board.


2008 Mahjongg Lite

Play classic mahjongg with 3D graphics and music.


Bejeweled LIVE for Windows 10

It's high-carat Bejeweled gem-matching fun.


Frozen Free Fall for Windows 10

Join millions of people and play the newest match-3 craze.


Pandora's Box

Play this visually stunning puzzle game from the creator of Tetris.



Arrange and combine illustrated panels in imaginative ways to solve puzzles.


Pigment - Coloring book For Adults for Windows 10

Pigment is the ultimate stress reliever on the go.


Candy Crush Soda Saga for Windows 10

Download Candy Crush Soda Saga for free now.


Crossword : World's Biggest Free Crosswords for Windows 10

Solve thousands of clues in the biggest and best crossword puzzle ever.


Guess The Pixel Character Trivia Quiz for Windows 10

See the picture and guess the pixel characters that you see.


Monuments Jigsaw Puzzles for Windows 10

Get excited for free puzzle games.