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Hand and Foot

Play a card game of skill and strategy.


PJ Masks Dominoes for Windows 10

This is a ''PJ Masks'' themed version of the clever classic dominoes game.


Gin Rummy card game for Windows 10

Gin Rummy is one of the most popular card games in the world.


Rummy Card Game

Play the classic card games in the Rummy family.


Free Hearts

Play a simple card game on your PC.


SotM Companion for Windows 10

SotM Companion is a companion app for the Sentinels of the Multiverse board game.


Lottery Analyzer Expert International

Analyze some of the American, Australian, European, and Brazilian lottery games.


Roll Dice: Three Kingdoms for Windows 10

Let's Roll. The dice with the whole world at stake. Roll Dice: Three Kingdoms. Spectacular board game taking place in the Romance of Three...


Spider Solitaire Collection Free (Windows 8)

Play a free ad-supported beautiful collection of Spider solitaire game variations.


Free Spider Solitaire

Play exciting card game with multiple levels.


Spades Premium

A modern and updated version of the famous trick-taking card game.


Lottery Looper

Generate intelligent numbers for lottery based on previous statistics.