Basketball Scoreboard Pro Specifications
Turn any computer into a professional scoreboard.
Features: Customizable - team names, logos, colors. Easy to use - be scoring in minutes. Inexpensive - less expensive to buy and maintain than traditional scoreboards. Sport specific - scoring for each sport and level. Reuse your display/PC - use same display and PC for multiple sports. Free to try - download your full copy now. Includes: Game clock, Timeouts, Shot clock, Scores, Team names, Team logos, Period/Half, Possession, Bonus, Fouls, TOL, Player number and fouls, Additional pictures, Event/venue title or picture, Video player.
Control Screen: The Control Screen is an intuitive operator console for controlling the scoreboard. It includes 1-touch buttons for quick, easy, and error-free control of the scoreboard. This screen is a separate window that is only visible to the scoreboard operator, so spectators do not see mouse or keyboard input. Shot Clock Screen: The Shot Clock Screen allows you to display the shot clock and game clock together on a separate screen, such as above backboards. The clocks on the Shot Clock Screen are in sync with those on the Control and Display screens. Video Player: Video player is an optional feature that allows you to play your own videos on demand on the scoreboard.