
HSK Chinese Words Flashcard for Windows 10 About

HSK Chinese Words Flashcard for Windows 10 Specifications
Date added:
June 1, 2022
Date released:
April 13, 2018
Operating system:
Windows, Windows 10,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Available for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile (x86, x64, ARM)

HSK Chinese Words Flashcard for Windows 10 v2.0.1.0

HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) words - A flashcard app works on both Windows PC and phone (Unofficial).

HSK Chinese Words Flashcard for Windows 10 Screenshots

HSK Chinese Words Flashcard for Windows 10 Editor's review

HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) words - A flashcard app works on both Windows PC and phone (Unofficial)

- Supports for HSK Level 1 to 6

- 6 card sets preinstalled

- Custom cards available

- Up to 6 card items per page

- Card view and list view

- Support for image file

- Support for shuffle play and slideshow

- Customizable card color and font size

- Import card items by pasting from Excel or loading a text file

- Export and import card set

- Support for Dark Theme

- Support for Hotkeys

- Left/Right arrow key: Move to previous/next card

- Down arrow key: Open next card item


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