Valai School ERP Specifications
Manage various school-related management tasks with ease.
eValai is one of the leading IT service providers in India and we specialize in education sector IT solutions. "Valai School" is our prestigious school management system which is used by schools across the nation. Valai School is a very versatile cloud based online application which can also be installled as a standalone offline software for windows. This cost effective solution is spreading rapidly even among the rural schools in India as well as in the urban region. College management application caters to degree colleges, Homeo medical colleges, PU colleges, Specialized MBA colleges and Universities. Along with these applications, the organizations will also get other apps and tools which can be used to strengthen the bond between their major stakeholders. For example, the S Valai parental portal and communication tool, CBSE CCE & ICSE report card automation and online sharing system and a full fledged mobile SMS and internal email communication system.