Editors' rating |
SMath Studio Specifications
Perform various mathematical operations.
SMath Studio provides many options for studying and solving the most complicated mathematical equations. With a simple layout and extensive features, this is a great tool for nearly any level of math.
The program's interface is reminiscent of complex graphing calculators, providing practically every mathematical function imaginable. We were able to handle the bulk of the options, even though there's no real Help file. However, there's a tutorial on various forms of math, such as trigonometry and algebra, which is all you really need to use the program. We positioned our equations on the graph paper and chose between standard number and basic arithmetic options, matrices, and functions. We could even plot a simple graph. The program boxes off each equation off and solves it, which makes for a great way to create valuable study guides. While we're not experts on all the mathematical options, we were impressed with how simple each was to create and organize on the paper. The program's best feature is its a drop-down menu that lets you insert a function by name, which seems useful if you know the name of an equation but not how to write it. Overall, this program is smooth and authoritative, and it makes a great tool for users of all levels of mathematical ability.
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