NJStar Japanese Word Processor Specifications
Type and edit text in Japanese characters on western versions of Windows.
A Japanese word processor and dictionary, designed to run on Western version of Windows. The comprehensive Japanese-English or English-Japanese 2 way lookup dictionary is easy to use and can be updated frequently via internat, and a separate Japanese Names dictionary is also included. The program includes many Japanese input methods, such as Romaji, KanaKanji, Radical lookup, and Unicode, etc. KanaKanji input method features Auto Kanji conversion and list sorting by Japanese word frequency. NJStar reads and writes EUC-JIS, SHift-JIS and New-JIS codes with auto-detection on opening files. Features: cut-paste Japanese text to Email or other applications or cut-paste; Japanese metafile pictures to other graphics application; full Windows WYSIWYG editing with multiple document interface; Japanese learning tools such as 'Kani-Romaji table', 'Kanji of the day', and 'Kanji Information'.