Rosetta Stone Free Trial v1.0
Try Rosetta Stone for free.
Rosetta Stone Free Trial Editor's review
We're the fastest way to learn a language. Just 15 minutes a day is all it takes. Plus, we've got immersive features the other guys don't:On the Go:
Extend your experience away from your computer with our suite of mobile applications.Speech Recognition:
Our technology identifies what you're saying, evaluates your pronunciation, and gives you real-time assessment.Learn and Play:
Active learners could extend their immersion experience through social games and our online communityLive Online Tutoring:
Practice your conversation skills and get feedback on your pronunciation from an online coach.Instead of memorizing rules, you'll discover patterns. Rather than have you repeat words, we introduce new words and concepts in sequence to accelerate the language-learning process.As you progress, you'll use the words and phrases you've learned to understand new vocabulary thats introduced. And before you know it, you'll be thinking in your new language -- instead of just speaking it.
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