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Educational Software & Sub Categories


Encyclopaedia Britannica for Windows 8

Allow users to browse all topics, articles, biographies, videos, and images from your Windows 8 device.


Bengali Malay dictionary

This is Bengali - Malay dictionary.


Medical Image Converter

Convert medical images between DICOM, NIfTI, NRRD, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and other formats.


Click Translator

Translate text from anywhere on screen with a single mouse select and keystroke.


English Khmer dictionary free for Windows 10

This is English - Khmer dictionary.


Hebrew Calendar

Generate a Hebrew lunisolar calendar.


Extramarks Smart Study Drive for Windows 10

Learning encapsulated into Extramarks Smart Study Drive.


JXCirrus Prayer

Record prayers and set reminders.


Valai School ERP

Manage various school-related management tasks with ease.



Draw graphs of mathematical functions in a coordinate system.


Me Before You for Windows 10

Me Before You is a romantic novel written by Jojo Moyes.