ComboTIFF Pro (64 Bit) Specifications
Resize and convert TIFF images to TIFF or PDF files in batch mode.
ComboTIFF Pro (Formerly Known as Batch TIFF Resizer Lite) is a Batch Tool which allows you to merge several Single and Multi-Page TIFFs, PNG and JPEG files together. It also allows you to extract pages out of your TIFF files, remove and rearrange pages within the TIFF file to form a new document. It is built with versatility in mind.
PhoXo 319 |
5DFly Photo Design 290 |
Pos Panorama Pro 290 |
EMCO Photo Reziser 261 |
Fusion Free 261 |
PhotoWorks 261 |
Aviary 261 |
Photo Crop Editor 261 |
Capture NX 261 |
JPEG Viewer 232 |