ODS Specifications
Generate database and DAL source code.
ODS is an end to end DAL designer. Use ODS to design objects. ODS automatically designs SQL Server 2000/2005/2008, MySQL, SQLite and MS Jet databases, generates C# DAL source code, and tracks design changes to generate database upgrades for you. Features: ODS is an all in one data access layer designer. Generates C# .NET Framework 2 source code. Generates the entire DAL as source code - no proprietary run-time components. Supports SQL Server 2000/2005/2008, MySQL, SQLite 3 and MS Jet 4. Database agnostic DAL allows you to seamlessly change database type. Requires little or no database expertise. ODS is fully self contained. Database partitioning allows multiple data stores within the same database. Generated source code can be easy extended to add your own functionality. No runtime licenses or restrictions on what you can do with the generated source code. Generates Visual Studio 2005 project and solution files.