ApFactory Specifications
Create powerful, flexible applications in a safe environment without any coding.
Flesh out the application detail by using our SQL editor or sophisticated banded report writer. Add data validation rules quickly and simply built using in-product objects or linking to Reference Data tables enforcing referential integrity. Calculated fields allow you to add dynamic fields such as calculating age from Date of Birth. Lookup fields allow you to link in data from other tables, such as full descriptions.
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Embarcadero Dev C++ 261 |
OpenGL 203 |
BlueJ 203 |
Code::Blocks 203 |
NSB AppStudio 203 |
Eclipse Classic (64 bit) 203 |
Altova MissionKit Professional Edition 203 |
Aptana Studio 203 |
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional 203 |
C++Builder 203 |