Moonlit Specifications
Make your own 2D Xbox 360 games using a GUI environment.
Moonlit is a program that allows you to create games for Windows and the Xbox 360. It is capable of making some truly great 2D games! Some of the tutorials to teach you how to use Moonlit include: Click The Ball Game, Xbox 360 Controller Example, How To Run On The Xbox 360 Console, Save/Load Example, Bloom Effect Example, Scrolling Shooter Game, Platform Game, A* Path finding Example and more.
C++Builder 203 |
OpenGL 203 |
Altova MissionKit Professional Edition 203 |
Code::Blocks 203 |
NSB AppStudio 203 |
Eclipse Classic (64 bit) 203 |
BlueJ 203 |
Aptana Studio 203 |
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional 203 |
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 203 |