IronXL The C# Excel Library Specifications
Read and write Excel with C# Excel Library for .Net coders.
IronXL is a C# .NET software library allowing .net software engineers to read and write Excel XSLX, XLS, & CSV Spreadsheets in .NET Framework and .NET Core applications and websites. IronXL does not require use of Office Excel Interop and does not require Microsoft Excel to be installed on a server. All without other dependencies. A quick and natural approach to create Excel and Other Spreadsheet files in C# and VB.NET.
Read / Import Data from XLS/XLSX/CSV/TSV. Export Excel WorkSheets to XLS/XLSX/CSV/TSV/JSON. Work with Spreadsheets as System.Data.DataSet and System.Data.DataTable. Excel Formulas recalculated each time a sheet it edited. Intuitive Ranges setting with a WorkSheet['A1:B10'] structure. Sort Ranges, Columns and Rows. Style Cells - Font, Size, Background design, Border, Alignment and Number formats.