
RegexBuddy About

RegexBuddy Specifications
Date added:
April 3, 2021
Date released:
March 12, 2013
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows, Windows NT 4,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Not available

RegexBuddy v3.6.1

Create, analyze, and edit regular expressions.

RegexBuddy Screenshots

RegexBuddy Editor's review

RegexBuddy is your companion for working with regular expressions. Easily create regular expressions that match exactly what you want. Clearly understand complex regexes written by others. Use plain English building blocks instead of or in addition to the standard regex syntax. Quickly test any regular expression on sample strings and files, preventing mistakes on actual data. Debug without guesswork by stepping through the actual matching process.


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