
1600 Windows Icons (Metro Style) About

Editors' rating
1600 Windows Icons (Metro Style) Specifications
Date added:
Oct. 2, 2022
Date released:
March 14, 2014
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Not available

1600 Windows Icons (Metro Style) v2.0

Get a collection of Windows 8 Metro style icons.

1600 Windows Icons (Metro Style) Screenshots

1600 Windows Icons (Metro Style) Editor's review

1600 Windows Icons (Metro Style) is a free collection of icons in Windows 8's Metro style that you can use to update older versions of Windows or add variety to Windows 8. The icons are in PNG format and must be unzipped and converted to ICO files for Windows.

Metro style:Windows 8's cool Metro design language takes its name and stylistic cues from the iconic typography of Swiss public signs that many people appreciate.

Lots and lots:Any way you count them, 1,600 is a lot of icons, especially for free.

Wide variety:While system icons predominate, we saw a lot of unique and much-needed themes, such as Christmas, Halloween, and Phones -- even "Star Trek" and "Dr. Who."


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